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The rules of success of Steve Jobs

2019-05-30, 23:16

The creator of the IPhone Steve Jobs- is one of the founders of Apple's Next, Pixar corporations and a key figure in the global computer industry, a man who largely determined the course of its development.

According to him, to achieve great success, you need to do what you love. Find your true passion and change the world for the better. The only way to do a good job is to love it.

To be different. Think outside the box. Try to do everything as best as possible. Think not only about tomorrow, but also about the future. “I want to shout to the whole world,” Steve Jobs once said.

We need to strive to become a market leader, to focus on the result. Ask advice from people from different areas.

Learn from mistakes. Sometimes when you create something new, you make mistakes. It is best to quickly recognize and eliminate them, improving and other their development, to constantly learn.

“You can’t just follow your dream” - the words of Steve Jobs.
