Отдыхаем вместе с GN | GNEXT

Отдыхаем вместе с GN

5 most unusual places on the Earth

2019-08-21, 19:26

In today's selection we want to tell you about the most beautiful and unusual corners of our planet.


1. Niagara Falls

It is located on the border between the United States and Canada, in the state of New York. Surprisingly, with relatively small differences in height, all sources are very wide, and the water hits with such force that its roar is stunning. That is why Niagara Falls is considered one of the largest and noisiest on the whole planet.


2. Stairs straight to heaven

This natural site is located in Hawaii, Oahu. In the local language, the staircase has a name somewhat reminiscent of Japanese - “Haiku”. At its core, a staircase to heaven is a unique, beautiful mountain trail that runs right through the peaks of small mountains.


3. Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon in Arizona (USA) fully justifies its name, translated into Russian as "The Great, or the Great Canyon." Its size is really amazing. It is not only fantastically beautiful here, this place is invaluable for the development of sciences such as geology and history. For this reason, the Grand Canyon is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


4. Shondong Cave

This is a huge cave that can be found right in the center of Vietnam. To do this, take a walk through the Fongnia Kebang National Park. The size of this natural object is truly amazing. No wonder the cave was recognized as the largest on the whole planet.


5. The White Desert

It would seem that there is nothing more magnificent and quieter than the endless sands to the horizon. However, deserts are amazing in their beauty. In New Mexico (USA) there is a valley called Tularose. It is already beautiful in itself, but there are more unusual places here. This is the White Desert. It is so called because the sands are not golden yellow, but glossy white.